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Eric Easterling
Owner/Architectural Designer

The son of a drafting & woodshop teacher, grandson of a mason & carpenter – Eric learned his love of dreaming up new projects in a multitude of ways, given who he was with at that particular moment.  He began drawing houses early on and building with LEGOs – however never ending up as the intention of the kit, but always a house.

All of this eventually led to the decision to attend Pratt Institute in New York City, graduating with a Bachelor’s in Architecture in 2005.  After working with various New York City architectural firms, Eric decided it was time to move back home to Michigan and start his own.  After seven years, it was finally time to decide on a name that made sense with his upbringing and ultimately what led him to this profession.  Heritage Design Workshop, LLC was established in 2019, with the intent of houses guided by the past, but allow for new, updated growth and exploration for the current and future needs.  A workshop was the best way to describe this; from early on he knew whenever he stepped foot into his Dad’s or grandfather’s workshops, anything was possible. 

Eric lives in his home town of St. Charles, MI and currently is dreaming of the day he can reinvent the family’s historic barn into his future home.  Eric has a chocolate lab, Cubs, that keeps him busy, full of love and smiles every moment of the day.  In their time together, you can find them out on long walks, out in the yard playing or gardening, up north at their cabin, swimming and kayaking.